Westminster Men’s Soccer Wins In Double Overtime

Westminster Men’s Soccer Wins In Double Overtime

Fulton, Mo. – The Westminster men's soccer team grabs an exciting 1-0 double overtime win over Millikin University Saturday evening. The win moves the Blue Jays to 2-3 on the season.

The Westminster Blue Jays and the Millikin Big Blue stayed scoreless throughout the regulation 90 minutes, despite a penalty kick by the Blue Jays and six shots on goal each.

The Big Blue took two shots in the first overtime, but were unable to find the goal.

Ten minutes were put on the clock for the second overtime, and the two teams were ready to battle it out until the end. With almost two minutes off the clock, sophomore Tripp Sheehan pushed a pass sophomore Drew Cook on the left side of the goal. Cook then shot the ball into the lower right corner of the goal, whizzing past the Millikin goalkeeper to end the game with a 1-0 double overtime win.

Sophomore goalkeeper Raul Belman Romero (Celaya, Mexico) was credited the win after playing the complete game and saving six balls.

The Blue Jays had seven of their eight shots on goal, and Sam Lopez took three shots on goal.

The Blue Jays travel to St. Louis, Missouri on Monday, September 15 to play Washington University-St. Louis.