Blue Jays Swept By Webster In Division Series

Blue Jays Swept By Webster In Division Series

The Westminster baseball team was swept by Webster University in their second division series of the year. The Westminster Blue Jays were short-gamed in the single nine inning game on Friday, 10-0 (8 inn.). On Saturday, they lost 5-4 and 5-0. They are now 9-8 on the season and 4-4 in conference play. In divisional play they are 3-3.

Webster produced a big fourth inning in Friday's game, scoring five runs. They added two runs in the fifth and one run in the sixth. In the bottom of the eighth, they scored the remaining two runs needed to end the game early. 

Jake Rule was credited with the loss on the mound. He pitched 5.2 innings and struck out three.

The Blue Jay offense was led by Deion Hughes with two hits. The defense was led by Tim Chambliss with 11 putouts. 

In Saturday's first game, the Webster Gorloks grabbed an early 3-0 lead but the Blue Jays responded with three runs of their own in the bottom of the first. With one out, Adam Mundle doubled to right center and was brought in on Hughes' RBI single. Tyler Branneky then doubled down the left field line, bringing in Hughes. The final run of the inning came from Chambliss' double to center field, scoring Ty. Branneky. 

The Blue Jays took the lead in the second inning with a RBI single from Connor Hager, scoring Nick Bohlmann.

The Blue Jays held the lead until Webster scored in the sixth inning with a sacrifice fly, tying the game. In the seventh inning, Webster led-off with a home run to take the 5-4 lead. The Blue Jays were unable to get a runner on in the bottom of the inning, ending the game with a 5-4 loss. 

Hughes (4-1) suffered the loss on the mound. He pitched the final 2.2 innings and struck out two.

Seven of the nine batters grabbed a hit at the plate. 

In the final game of the series, the Gorloks scored two runs in the second and three in the eighth to win 5-0. 

Collin Brinker (1-2) suffered the loss on the mound. He pitched the first two innings.

The Blue Jays finished with four hits. Leading the Blue Jay defense was Chambliss with 12 putouts. 

The Blue Jays are back on the field on Tuesday, April 7 with a conference doubleheader at Principia College.